New Pathways

New Pathways serves homeless adults with children by providing sleeping accommodations, three meals a day, case management, skills training and a safe environment.
During the evenings, and overnight, area churches and their volunteers provide: Private sleeping accommodations; Meals; Hospitality.
During the day the families go to work, school, or to one of our family day centers where the families work on their plan to get back into a home of their own. New Pathways provides all the basic needs for each family, such as: Telephone; Computers with internet access; Laundry facilities; Personal care items; Shower room; Transportation; Advocacy.

Both the Brainerd & Cambridge day centers have a Case Manager and Skills Trainer on staff to advocate and give each family the opportunity to learn skills including: Budgeting; Parenting; Job hunting; Healthy living; RentWise.
Call (866) 274-2610