Rehabilitation Loan Program
This is an income-based loan program for homeowners to make basic repairs to their home (roof, siding, windows, doors, heating systems, electrical updates, well, septic). Financing is in the form of a forgivable loan with a fifteen (15) year term at 0% interest. If during the 15 years the home is sold, the title is transferred or the property ceases to be the borrower’s principle place of residence, the loan must be paid back. If after 15 years none of those events occur, the loan is forgiven and does not have to be paid back. Single-family homes, duplexes and manufactured housing taxed as real or personal property are eligible for this program.
How do I qualify?
- You must own the property & home to be improved
- The home must be your principal place of residence
- You must be current with your mortgage payment and property taxes
- The net value of your assets can not exceed $25,000 (Excludes home furnishings, and one vehicle)
- You must carry home owner's insurance on home
- You must meet income guidelines. Income limits are based on the size of the household:
Family Size |
1 person |
2 people |
3 people |
4 people |
5 people |
6 people |
7 people |
Income limit |
$18,000 |
$20,600 |
$23,200 |
$25,600 |
$27,900 |
$29,900 |
$32,000 |

Residents in the counties of: Aitkin, Carlton, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine should contact Lakes and Pines Community Action Council, Inc. to apply. Or download the application below and email it to: or mail it to: 1700 Maple Avenue E, Mora, MN 55051 For questions call 320.679.1800.
Residents in Chisago County should contact Chisago County Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Economic Development Authority.
All other counties should contact Minnesota Housing Finance Agency to find a loan provider for their county.
<Provide link to Application>
Applicants please read the documents below
Fair Housing (HUD)
Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home (EPA)
Renovate Right: Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers and Schools (EPA)