Bridges Rental Assistance Program
What is the Bridges Rental Assistance Program?
The Bridges Rental Assistance Program provides housing assistance for people with very low incomes and a serious mental illness while they wait for a Housing Choice Voucher or another rental subsidy.
Participants on the program pay rent based on their income and the program pays a rental assistance payment directly to the landlord for the remaining balance of the monthly rent.
Participants leave the Bridges Program as soon as they are able to receive a Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher.
What is the eligibility criteria for the Bridges Program?
- The head of household or other household member must be 18 years of age or over and have a diagnosed serious mental illness as defined in the Comprehensive Mental Health Act
- The applicant must be eligible to receive a Housing Choice Voucher subsidy or become eligible to receive a Housing Choice Voucher based on successful participation in the Bridges Program
- The gross income of the household, at the time of initial eligibility, must be at or below 50 percent of the area median income for the household size
Where can I use a Bridges Certificate issued by the HRA of Mora?
The HRA of Mora administers the Bridges Rental Assistance Program for Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, and Pine Counties.
How do I apply?
Contact the HRA of Mora to request an application or Click Here to download.
For more information about the Bridges Rental Assistance Program, or to request an application, please